Data Patterns (DP) has a large pool of engineers who provide high quality Verification & Validation (V&V) services to various industrial applications of software. DP has expertise in various tools, useful for V&V in the Embedded Systems domain, has robust V&V processes and is capable of providing V&V services, specifically in the embedded domain, and in safety critical applications. DP has the capability in terms of skilled resources, tools and the requisite infrastructure, for meeting the V&V requirements at each stage of the product life cycle.
We focus on anticipated signal management and verify redundancy from the beginning, both in the hardware and in the software. Having extra ports and the ability to recover from a ‘hang’ are essential ingredients in our testing methods. The verification setup is carefully assembled for fault coverage, and covers simulation of a non-existent product, simulation of an interface or a combination of these conditions.
The V&V activities include the documentation and verification against checklists complying with DO 178 / DO 254 Standards. DP uses in-house expertise in tools such as VHDL / Verilog / C / C++, source code Walk-thro,' to set up the testing environment and verify using complementary tools like Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.7 - Design Entry Microsemi - Libero IDE / Libero SOC and Altera – Quartus II.
Design, development, synthesizing / compiling of test vectors, and the simulation of test vectors, as well as testing and debugging of VHDL / Verilog / C / C++ source code, are carried out using Xilinx Vivado 2014.2, Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.7 – ISIM, Mentor Graphics Modelsim, and Aldec HDL. These tools are also used to determine test coverage and to maximize it.
Requirements management, from design to implementation and testing, are established using tools like Telelogic DOORS. Careful documentation of V & V observations / suggestions, traceability of requirements, and the eventual validation against customer application requirements, ensure that the right, and failsafe code, has been deployed for mission critical end-use.
A sample of our track record in implementing and verification of the software against requirements as per DO178B standard is evidenced by the project for the airborne product SIPU-SDU (Sensor interface processing unit- smart display unit) for Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT). The flight clearance certificate has been issued by CEMILAC and RCMA.
DP has the expertise to understand customer point of view and supply to your V&V demands. If you are in need of a partner, to conceive, test and deliver to mission critical V&V requirements, we are in all likelihood, your preferred choice.
DP offers test automation capability for use across a wide range of industries, significant because it can leverage the expertise from its own investments in the latest embedded computing technologies. DP also has standard propriety software solutions for automation of test equipment application development (DP-CUTE) and for software development and debugging in multiprocessor environment (DP-CHRONO). Specialized application software have been developed and tested in mission critical aircraft displays, long endurance one time deployed data acquisition systems and various products for Radars, Electronic Warfare, Video Signal Processing and so on.