Training Department
Data Patterns has a well-trained and developed workforce which is it's most important diferentiator in the global marketplace. To achieve this, the organisaton ensures a robust training policy, guidelines and practises in order to maximise the conduction, evaluation and rate of return on the Technical/ Process/ Leadership/ Functional/ Induction training by incorporating the following:
- Increasing the training credit hours per employee to empower them to meet the global standards with special emphasis on project management and professional approach.
- Adding strategic value to the organisation by aligning all training programs with the line of business and designing programs to create competence based on the organisational goals, strategies and challenges.
- A four level robust training model is implemented to maximise the CBR (cost/benefit ratio) and ROI (return on investment) on the training budget.
- A rich database of internal and external trainers having expertise in their respective areas who facilitate the training process alongwith the T&D dept.
- A centralised training module in the HRMS employees portal for publishing and ensuring the dissemination of training related information at the grassroot level.
- A common repository (Digital library) of all training material housing like catalogues, books, DVD/CD's and training presentations are maintained.
- A state-of-the-art training hall equipped with LCD, sound system with a seating capacity of 50 personnel.
- Membership subscriptions (IPC standards, CII etc.) to get regular updations in relevant fields.
- Inhouse Video Recordings of critical training programmes.
- Internal incentive schemes such as exclusive appraisal ratings, citations for the trainees and monetary benefits, training awards, reward points for the trainers etc.
- Periodic recording and playing of webcasts, webinars etc.
As a part of our continual improvement process we hold rigorous refresher trainings in all the relevant areas for ensuring the updation of knowledge of all employees and abreast them with the latest with the punchline 'ONCE AN ENGINEER, ALWAYS A STUDENT'. These include the trainings on all EDA Tools, COTS architechture, communication protocols, Coding skills, Micro controller and Micro processor, PRO-E tools, AS9100REV C standards, IPC workmanship standards( 610-E, 610A,J-STD001), NTTF trainings, VSSC trainings, ESD awareness, ISMS awareness, 5S, Project management, DO-254 Standards etc. to name just a few. There are also 'talent driven programs' that 'develop' people rather than 'train people'. Such programs include onboarding, outbound learning interventions, leadership development, managerial effectiveness, change management, train-the-trainer and other forms of long-term career development. The training modules are curated, aligned and targeted in a way that creates an engaging learning experience, rather than a learning task.
Attesting and certificationThe original copies of the professional training certifications of all internal trainers are maintained in a safe repository (Fire proof cabin) for quick retrieval when needed. For the external training facilitators, a copy of the same is received from them and maintained for the records. The repository also includes the qualification certificates for these Internal/External trainers.
Apart from this, after the successful completion of training the employees undergo a written test. All these test records are duly maintained in an auditable format. Finally, certificates are issued to the qualifying as well as topper trainees, which are added to the personal files of each kept in the repository. All these certificates are duly attested by the trainer and issuing authority (Director, HR).