Environmental Testing

Environmental testing covers full gamut of vibration, operating temp, temperature cycling, HASS (highly accelerated stress screening), shock, thermal shock, humidity, etc, as per customer requirements. This testing facilitates the validation and meeting of production requirements.

Data Patterns has developed the requisite infrastructure for conducting range of environmental tests, viz, thermal cycling, vibration, high and low temperature tests, HASS etc. to cater to the production of high quality products and systems.

Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS)/Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT)

HALT & HASS are unique, accelerated product reliability test methods focused on finding defects in products so that they can be fixed before becoming expensive field issues. HALT and HASS reveal product failure modes in a matter of hours or days, as compared to traditional test methods that can take weeks or even months to find.

It subjects a product to a series of overstresses effectively forcing product weak links to emerge by accelerating fatigue. Unlike traditional single axis vibration test methods or thermal only methods, HALT/HASS tests the unit through stresses - random six-degree-of-freedom vibration and rapid thermal change rates by treating the specimen to +100°C/Min to -100°C/Min with average of 70°C with help of liquid Nitrogen in the combined environment necessary to drive out latent failure modes. In HALT/HASS, stresses are applied in a controlled, incremental fashion while the unit under test is continuously monitored for failures. Once the weaknesses of the product are uncovered and corrective actions taken, the limits of the product are clearly understood and the operating margins can be extended as far as possible. Thus, a much more mature product can be introduced much more quickly with a higher degree of reliability.

Thermal Cycling

It maintains what is promised without any trouble by it's cooling units and ventilation systems that allow to stress the Unit under test as per the values measured on air. It ensures correct stress screening and avoids big difference between temperatures measured on air and on the specimen, that makes the test useless.

ESS has been developed to help manufacturers detecting product defects and production flaws.Screening can force infancy board and component failures that would otherwise occur after final assembly and product delivery, and potentially during the warranty period. The objective is to remove all type of defects, avoid damage to otherwise good material, corrective actions on design and production and Increase reliability. ESS Improves product quality, product reliability, production throughput and profit margins. It reduces Fields defect, time to market and Infancy failures on field.

Vibration Shaker

The Air Cooled Series Vibration test systems is a versatile wide frequency range electrodynamic vibration test system with large diameter and lightweight armature. It subjects the unit under test to Sine, Random, and Transient Testing by Standard Vertical and Horizontal vibration. In this way the unit is ensured free of defects occurring due to vibration and shaking in the field, avoid breakdown of system and increase reliability.