Data Patterns offers a well-equipped environmental testing laboratory, supported by standardized procedures and practices, to ensure accurate evaluation of electronic products. The firm has setup the requisite infrastructure for conducting a range of environmental tests. Its environmental testing facilities cover almost the full gamut of general operating conditions. We can test for thermal cycling, vibration, high and low temperature tests, HALT / HASS etc., which cater to verifying the product meets the operating requirements that are demanded of the product. Our testing facility validates the efficacy of the product for meeting a wide range of customer specified environmental parameters.
Mechanical properties such as random vibration, sine vibration and mechanical shock can be tested. We have an Electrodynamic Shaker that has a 3 ton capacity. In the thermal evaluation area, we can test for storage and operating high and low temperature range from -70 Deg C to 180 deg C, temperature cycling from – 70 deg C to 180 deg C. We can also test for rate of change in temperature from 1 deg C to 15 deg C per minute, and relative humidity with maximum of 98%. Thermal shock evaluation can also be offered.
We are one of the very few concerns in India having HALT/HASS machine to qualify diverse proto projects. HALT / HASS testing operations range from -100 deg C to +200 Deg C with the rate of change in temperature max 70 deg C per minute, with 50g Rms vibration levels. These are used to determine robustness of electronic product in certain Defence and Aerospace Products. Tests shall be carried out as per standards, and as per customer requirements.
Broadly, we possess high end equipment in the following genres:
1.Vibration shaker
2.Climatic Chamber
3.HALT/HASS Chamber
4.Hot Air Ovens
5.Cold Chambers
Our equipment is powered by leading software applications like:
1. Puma Basic for operation of vibration shaker
2. Winkratos for operation of thermal cycling chamber
3. Typhoon OVS Manager for operation of HALT/HASS machineS
4. Itools for operation of Hot air oven
We understand the need for adherence to standards and the significance of the standards per se. Our testing is done in compliance with:
1. MIL-STD-8102. JSS 55555
3. MIL-STD-2164 - Environmental Stress Screening
4. CEMILAC SOFT Directive
Furthermore, our environmental test house is approved by CEMILAC. This approval is continually audited for conformance periodically. All equipment are calibrated as per pre-defined periodicity by accredited calibration laboratories. Well defined guidelines and checklists are followed with attention to measurement detail, such as, by having one additional thermocouple placed in chambers to always cross verify the chamber temperatures. We also maintain all the test result / graphs for about 20 years for ease of traceability, and for any data required in case of upgrades.
Testing that provides accurate results with stringent time and quality focus is our promise. If this is your demand, it’s more than likely that we are the people who can deliver.